Saturday, July 18, 2015

Life is here to serve you, not put obstacles in your way. Everything you desire will show up or not show up in response to your vibration. And if something else shows itself to you that you prefer, life can give you that too. You're calling your own shots. The key is to feel good no matter what. Tell the story the way you want it to be.

Sometimes we worry because what we want requires so much of our attention or so much is happening in our lives that it is hard to hold a stable position - but you can. Just keep telling yourself, "I am in charge here. I am in charge of my life. I am in charge of what comes. And more importantly, I am in charge of how I FEEL."

When it comes to money, the reason most people want a lot of it is because of fear (which dams up the stream). There is nothing wrong with having money, but the big mistake is asking for the security that comes from promises of others. You want your security to come through your awareness of knowing how the laws of the universe work. You know how to focus on what you desire and you know how this focus will always bring you the good things in life, including money.

Don't try to see so far down the road. Don't demand that promises be made by others to give you the security you need. This is the thing that makes the difference between someone who can stand in an attitude of belief and trust and someone who cannot.

You have a lot of evidence in your life that supports the power of your focus. Don't try to figure it all out at once. Just feel more appreciation for what you have already and more will come to you.

Here is one of my favorite affirmations. Use this every time you feel you need to know the outcome of any situation.

"I figure it out as I go. I don't need to know, I figure it out as I go".

With that affirmation, say to yourself, "The universe is yielding to me. Good things are lined up for me. All good things come to me. There is not a reason in the world for me to worry. When I worry it is nothing more than old patterns of thought that have nothing to do with my ability to create what I desire. I have nothing to worry about. Everything comes to me at the right time in the right way. I figure it out as I go. I don't need to know, I figure it out as I go".

-Dr. Robert Anthony

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