Wednesday, July 8, 2015

When you are a vibrational match to what you desire you feel wonderful. The best state of "being" in the entire universe is to focus on what you desire and know that the Source within you has found vibrational alignment with what you have asked for. If you are focused in the direction of what you have asked for and you ALLOW instead of RESIST the universe to yield to you through circumstances, people and events, the path for achievement of all that you have asked for will come to you easily and effortlessly.

And trust me, you will never need to worry about asking for things you want because the contrast of choices on this planet are there to help you to define more of what you want just by observing what you don't want. You do not need to worry about wanting new things. The inspiration will always be there.

You have come from the non-physical into the physical environment of contrast so that you can be inspired to your personal preferences and desires. Each desire within you shoots out of you like a rocket and the Source within you, will match itself completely to that rocket of desire. Then you will receive the never-ending guidance to let you know where you stand vibrationally in relationship to the rocket you have given birth to. You and the life you are living is the reason the stream is moving as it is. And the focus of your thoughts is the reason you are going with it or not going with it.

-Dr. Robert Anthony

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